Fall for Minimalism
Fall, especially September, is about preparing for the holidays ahead. There's going to be SO much to do-holiday photos to take, presents to buy, food to make...with all of the inevitable complexities that come with this time of year, finding joy in simple, minimalist moments creates effortless warmth for everyone to enjoy. Ahead you'll find everything necessary to indulge in the autumnal spirit, with some beauty, fashion, and budget hacks that will really spice up the season!

Sooo...just out of curiosity, why is Oktoberfest held in September? The reason is pretty interesting! In the early 1800's, Oktoberfest was originally in...you guessed it, October. Attendees complained about the rainy season, but in order to not disrupt the harvest season, October remained the time for the festival. Eventually, the official start date of Oktoberfest was moved to September 15th, and it continues on until October 1st. This change allowed festival organizers to take advantage of longer, warmer, days that were more temperate than the rainy October days. This allowed for higher attendance!
Who doesn't love keeping it simple when you get ready in the morning? Shibui Haircare enhances your hair color, moisturizes and strengthens your hair, and is free of synthetic ingredients. Plus, the fragrance is soft and floral, with essential oils that naturally scent your locks. Ask for your product recommendations at your next visit, and grab what you need-all conveniently available in our salon!
Clean, Minimalist hair Care
Fort Worth's Oktoberfest is around the corner! It's just about time to enjoy live music, stupidly good food, and all the beer you can (responsibly!) drink. Tickets are on sale now with $20-3 day passes available, as well as $10/$15-1 day passes. Order now and get a free stein when you check in at the event!
"Lager" than Life Festival

Autumn trends in 2024 are definitely a whole mood. We're talking simplistic, blunt bobs (of any length); long, shaggy layers; natural curls and protective styles like goddess braids are all standing front and center. Get inspo for your super stylish, totally low effort styles this season! Click here!
Polished and Practical
Starbucks Who?
Skipping your Starbucks (or your favorite coffee shop...Elsa loves Casa Azul, and Summer Moon has Amanda's heart) in the morning won't make you a millionaire, but who doesn't want to save some money? We've created a Pinterest board full of DIY coffee syrups, coffee recipes, and tea recipes for you to make at home and take on the go! Try these recipes and you won't even notice that you missed the drive thru on your way to work!
Break out the crockpot
We're in Texas, which means for the next like...two months it's gonna be a lot of warmer-than-what-you'd-expect fall. That doesn't mean that NONE of your fall recipes are viable yet. Get in the groove of autumn with these delicious recipes. Whether you're using your crockpot, instapot, airfryer, or pan-we've got you covered! Click here. (PS-if you make the zuppa toscana, do half the recommended amount of chicken broth and finish the soup off with a pale ale or cider!)